The previous sections, from 1 to 9, focus on the construction of a new scenario (world and models) and the client side controller software. However, if you have to build a new interface or device driver for Player, you will only find out-of-date and incomplete instructions. Thus, the motivation of this new section is to reduce effort so that new resources can be built for Player.

10.1 - Definition of a Player Interface

An interface is defined in two different parts of Player documentation

  • Definition 1. All Player communication occurs through interfaces, which specify the syntax and semantics for a set of messages.
  • Definition 2. A specification of how to interact with a certain class of robotic sensor, actuator, or algorithm. The interface defines the syntax and semantics of all messages that can be exchanged with entities in the same class.

Consider the ranger interface. This interface defines a format in which a generic (vendor independent) range sensor can return range readings. So it defines the data structure of messages exchanged between a client-side controller and a serve-side device driver. This is how Player abstracts the specifics of a hardware module, such as a ranger device. For example, SICK LMS200 device has its own protocol to interface with its hardware, however, when integrated with Player, the Player driver for SICK LMS200 will use the generic vendor independent ranger interface. Thus, the client-side controller software is not aware of the laser ranger brand.

So, when a client-side controller software creates the sonarProxy device based on the RangerProxy, we are defining that this device obeys the ranger interface, sending and receiving messages according to the data types (structs) defined in this interface. For instance, when the sonarProxy.GetRange(i) method is executed, the read message has the following format player_ranger_data_range_t, defined in the file libplayerinterface/interfaces/062_ranger.def.

10.2 - When to Create a New Interface

It is unlikely that you have to create a new interface if you are using a conventional robot because Player already has a vast number of interfaces for the most used resources in robots. If you do have to define a new interface, please follow the recommended guidelines to maintain future software compatibility and documentation style.

10.3 - How an Interface is Created

There is a very brief description about adding new interfaces at libplayerinterface/interfaces/ADDING_INTERFACES. It gives the basic information about interfaces, but it lacks useful information which were included in this document. The ADDING_INTERFACES says:

There is also an example interface located at examples\plugins\exampleinterface which might be useful for some users, but I think it is quite complicated for beginners.

The ranger interface is also quite complicated. Thus, it’s not an adequate example to start with. On the other hand, the speech interface (libplayerinterface/interfaces/012_speech.def) is one of the simplest Players interfaces. This interface is a generic interface to any speech synthesizer. It is defined as:

The speech interface has only one message and one data structure (player_speech_cmd_t) carrying the sentence to be spoken by the robot.

Another interesting interface is the bumper, defined at libplayerinterface/interfaces/014_bumper.def:

The bumper interface has three messages and its respective data type. Note that there are different message parameters in this interface. According to the Player manual, a message is defined as message { TYPE, SUBTYPE, SUBTYPE_CODE, DATA_TYPE }; The TYPE field can be DATA, REQ, CMD. Data is used, for example, to read data out of a sensor, to read the robot’s pose, device status, etc. REQ is used to query a device, in a request/replay communication format. CMD is mostly used for an actuator to set its state. The SUBTYPE and SUBTYPE_CODE is used only to differentiate messages of the same TYPE. Finally, the DATA_TYPE is the struct used to carry the actual data of the message.

10.4 - Creating an Interface

As an example, we are are going to create the so called ``playsound`` interface. This interface will send the filename of an audio file so that the robot can play this file. We are assuming that the client side knows the audio files in the robot’s computer. No actual audio file is transferred in the message, just the audio filename.

Looking at the Player interfaces list, there is the audio interface, but it is not adequate for our purposes since it is much more complicated than our specification. For this reason, we are going to create the playsound interface.

10.4.1 - Creating the Message Type

The playsound interface is defined below, and it is located at <source_code>/Ch10.1.

It has a single message and data type, which is used to send the audio filename to be played at the robot. This file must be saved as libplayerinterface/interfaces/067_playsound.def. The number 067 does not matter. But it must be the last interface number used in the directory libplayerinterface/interfaces/.

Now we have to edit the libplayerinterface/CMakeLists.txt file to compile our new interface. The part of the CMakefile that defines the interface files must change from


The next step is to create the new Proxies that use the playsound interface. We are going to call them PlaySound Proxy. Two versions are created, one for C (PlayerC) and C++ (PlayerCpp).

10.4.2 - Creating the PlayerC Proxy

The <source_code>/Ch10.1/dev_playsound.c file must be copied to client_libs/libplayerc/dev_playsound.c. The functions defined in this proxy are listed below. Except for the last function, the other are mandatory for all proxies, with very similar prototypes across diferent proxies.

void playerc_playsound_putmsg(playerc_playsound_t *device,
                           player_msghdr_t *header,
                           player_playsound_cmd_t *data,
                           size_t len);

// Create a new sound proxy
playerc_playsound_t *playerc_playsound_create(playerc_client_t *client, int index);

// Destroy a sound proxy
void playerc_playsound_destroy(playerc_playsound_t *device);

// Subscribe to the sound device
int playerc_playsound_subscribe(playerc_playsound_t *device, int access);

// Un-subscribe from the sound device
int playerc_playsound_unsubscribe(playerc_playsound_t *device);

// Process incoming data
void playerc_playsound_putmsg(playerc_playsound_t *device, player_msghdr_t *header,
                            player_playsound_cmd_t *data, size_t len);

// set the file to be played into the audio device
int playerc_playsound_play(playerc_playsound_t *device, char *filename);

The next step is to edit the client_libs/libplayerc/playerc.h file to define the playsound class. At the end of the file insert the following code:

Edit the client_libs/libplayerc/CMakeLists.txt file from


including the new proxy file for compilation.

10.4.3 - Creating the PlayerCpp Proxy

The <source_code>/Ch10.1/ file must be copied to\ client\_libs/libplayerc++/\. This file encapsulates the functions defined in\ client\_libs/libplayerc/dev\_playsound.c\as a C++ class called\ PlaySoundProxy.\`  The next step is to edit theclient_libs/libplayerc++/playerc++.hfile to define the playsound class. At the end of the file insert the following code:  .. code:: tiobox      /**     The @p PlaySoundProxy class is used to play an audio file located in the robot's computer.     */     class PLAYERCC_EXPORT PlaySoundProxy : public ClientProxy     {       private:          void Subscribe(uint32_t aIndex);         void Unsubscribe();          /// the interface data structure         playerc_playsound_t *mDevice;        public:         /// constructor         PlaySoundProxy(PlayerClient *aPc, uint32_t aIndex=0);         /// destructor         ~PlaySoundProxy();         /// the main method of the proxy, used to send the audio filename to be player         void play(char *filename);     };  At the very end of the same file, there is block of << operator such as  .. code:: tiobox         PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::RFIDProxy& c);        PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::WSNProxy& c);  just insert another definition, like this one.  .. code:: tiobox         PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::RFIDProxy& c);        PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::WSNProxy& c);        PLAYERCC_EXPORT std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const PlayerCc::PlaySoundProxy& c);  Edit theclient_libs/libplayerc++/CMakeLists.txt`` file from


including the new proxy file for compilation.

10.5 - Compiling the Interface

Go to the Player source code dir where you edited the files above. If there is not a build dir, then create it and proceed with the Player normal compilation procedure.

When you change some interface definition, Player is recompiled from strach.

10.6 - TRY IT OUT

An interface and proxy do anything except abstract the hardware. At least one driver is required to use this new interface. So, the actual test of the new interface is postponed to the next chapter, where we are going to build a device driver using the PlaySound.

For now, we will create a controller using the new proxies, just to test the compilation process. It won’t produce any noticeable result. We are going to use the following files for this test.

Player CFG:

Client Controller:

Go to a terminal an launch Player:

and finally, on another terminal, compile and run the controller software.

It will only connects to Player, prints a message, and disconnects right after. On the Player terminal it will show

$ player simple.cfg
Player v.3.1.1-dev

* Part of the Player/Stage/Gazebo Project [].
* Copyright (C) 2000 - 2013 Brian Gerkey, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard,
* Nate Koenig, and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public License.
* Player comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
* are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see COPYING
* for details.

Listening on ports: 6665
accepted TCP client 0 on port 6665, fd 15
closing TCP connection to client 0 on port 6665

and on the client terminal it will show

$ ./client
playerc warning   : warning : [Player v.3.1.1-dev] connected on [localhost:6665] with sock 3

bye bye Player !
